
April 2024's Full Pink Moon in Scorpio and what it means for your sign

April’s Full Pink Moon lands in mysterious, transformative, intense Scorpio on 23 April – powering up plans, potential and all the big feelings as spring hits its stride. A full moon in Scorpio brings leap-before-you-look energy into our lives – inviting all of us to shed our inhibitions, find our focus and allow more passion in. So, if you’re ready to tear it all up and start over or tell someone how you really feel, now might just be the perfect time to throw caution to the wind.

April's full moon is called the ‘pink moon’ – which already sounds all kinds of magical, right? Read on to discover what part of your life this full moon is set to illuminate and where you might find the focus you need to switch things up for good.

What is a Pink Moon?

It’d be amazing if April’s full moon was actually pink, but it isn’t. It is, however, named after the pink wildflowers that would appear in North America around this time of year. That doesn’t mean it’s lacking in magic, though. As spring gathers pace, the full moon in Scorpio provides a perfect opportunity to shed an old skin and step into a new one. Whatever you want to do and whoever you want to be, the invitation is ready and waiting.

What sign does this Full Pink Moon fall in and what does that mean?

This full moon falls in intense water sign Scorpio, which is associated with the eighth house in astrology. This is the house of transformation, secrets, sex, passion, windfalls and other people’s money, making this an ideal full moon to let go of the weight of other people’s expectations and become more YOU.

What should I do to make the most of the full moon energy?

Full moons are magical portals for both manifestation and release, and this Pink Moon is no exception. Appearing as spring begins to heat up, this is a full moon for shedding the remains of winter as summer looms on the horizon.

Easy full moon rituals you can try include:

  • Journaling using the prompt “In my best life, I wake up and…”
  • Getting outside and moon bathing (charge your crystals while you’re at it!)
  • Writing down everything you wish to let go of and burning the paper to ash.
  • Lighting a candle and making a wish for your future self.

What does April's Full Pink Moon in Scorpio mean for me and my star sign?

Every sign will experience this full moon differently depending on the astrological house that’s being illuminated for them. Discover what themes might be coming up for your sign (always also read for your rising sign if you know it) and what you need to let go of as the Pink Moon shines bright in this adapted extract from GLAMOUR’s astrologer Emma Howarth’s new book The Astrology Almanac, out now.

Discover the focus for your sign for the Pink Moon…


Levelling up in love, teaming up in business, meeting someone new, spending one-on-one time with someone, finding a mentor/agent/partner in crime.

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Let go of: The idea that you need to do any of this alone.


Diving into an obsession, falling in lust, changing your life, discovering your power, exploring sexuality, all kinds of transformation, accepting support and/or financial help.

Let go of: Old versions of you and anything that’s holding you back.


Putting your health and wellbeing first, changing your daily routine, becoming more focussed on a goal, working harder, taking steps towards a dream, getting organised.

Let go of: Old ideas about who you are and how your life should look.


Pursuing a creative or passion project, following a dream, doing what makes you happy, having fun, party planning, creating a life you don’t want to escape from, dating, flirting, going for it.

Let go of: Self doubt, fake friends, anything that’s bringing you down.


Choosing a new way to live, moving house, changing your family set-up, spending more time with people who light you up, helping a relative in need, renovating, feeling at home, firming up your foundations.

Let go of: Fear, doubt, other people’s opinions on your life or choices.


Telling your story the way you want to tell it, asking for help, putting yourself out there, writing, speaking, going for it with an idea, connecting with siblings, exploring your local area.

Let go of: procrastination, worrying what anyone else thinks, lies.


Asking for more, investing in yourself, speculating to accumulate, knowing your worth, finding financial freedom, building a legacy, prioritising what matters most to you.

Let go of: Limiting beliefs, someone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.


Choosing yourself, releasing doubt, becoming the person you want to be, investing in your appearance, finding your own sense of style, sharing your life more, working towards a personal goal, changing your approach.

Let go of: Any lingering sense that you don’t deserve to be happy… you do.


Taking time out from it all, finding peace, accepting an ending, starting over, getting in touch with your spiritual side, putting your wellbeing first, deciding to make a change, leaving the past where it belongs.

Let go of: Stress, overwhelm and working too hard.


Feeling lucky, manifesting a miracle, networking for your career, feeling a sense of community in your life, surrounding yourself with good people, feeling inspired, campaigning for something you believe in.

Let go of: Dead wood, outdated methods and predictable thinking.


Focusing in on your career, finding success, reaching out to people who can help you, letting go of self-doubt, discovering your talents, knowing you can do it, levelling up, celebrating a bright idea.

Let go of: Time drains and jealous friends.


Making travel plans, seeking adventure, feeling inspired, changing your outlook, exploring interests, discovering more about what makes you happy, reading, writing, living life differently.

Let go of: Perfectionism. For real this time.

The Astrology Almanac 2024 by Emma Howarth is published by Leaping Hare Press (7 September 2023) and out now.


Christie Applegate

Update: 2024-06-27